Climate Change Focus
Data from ice cores in both polar (Greenland and Antarctica) and high altitude/low to middle latitude sites (e.g., China, Nepal) are used to address such topics as changes in climate and chemistry of the atmosphere.
Degree programs: M.S. in Earth Science (geochemical systems specialization), Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Global to regional scale impact of anthropogenic activity;
Global impact of volcanism;
Global climate change over centuries to millennia (e.g., Little Ice Age, rapid climate transitions, glacial/interglacial cycles);
Composition of the modern atmosphere over remote sites;
Air/snow fractionation;
Signal analysis applied to environmental data series.
Atmospheric Chemistry Focus . . .
Biogeochemical Dynamics Focus . . .
Global Ecosystem Focus . . .
Oceanography Focus . . .
EOS Course Offerings . . .